T&C for Legal Service Providers:

Terms & Conditions for Legal Service Providers:

This contract contains the following terms and conditions;

a) Legal Market Solutions Ltd, (as the owner of 'LegaMart', we)

b) Lawyer (hereinafter is called 'Service Provider' or, you')

c) LegaMart Platform (hereinafter is referred to as 'Site')

This contract is to address the conduct of each party concerning the probable 'Applicant/s.'

 This T&C incorporates our Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct, as amended from time to time. By clicking to accept or agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you are bound and abide by it, including all policies.  

 1. Services

As part of the services, LegaMart may provide each applicant with a list of Service Providers that are suitable and relevant to the  Applicant's requested legal services ("Legal Services"). The Service Provider acknowledges and agrees that granting access to the 'Services' on the LegaMart platform may be subject to the Service Provider's background check, including a consumer report. As a result of this, the Service Provider acknowledges and agrees to provide credential and consumer reports authorisation.

 2. Service Provider Responsibilities

Profile and Information Requested by LegaMart.

 The Service Provider is responsible for accurately and truthfully updating and completing (i) their practice and skills, (ii) their preferences regarding legal service requests (iii) their time availability. The Service Provider agrees to cooperate with LegaMart in their verification process by providing any requested reasonable documents and information. The Service Provider is liable to report any changes or updates to their status immediately and stated personal information. The Service Provider hereby grants the right to LegaMart to occasionally make minor edits to the Service Provider's profile, including, but not limited to, grammatical, formatting, spelling and punctuation corrections to maintain profile optimisation by the site's requirement conformity. The Service Provider grants the right of their articles, opinions, video, and interview to be published on the LegaMart Weblog. The Service Provider agrees to abide by the blog regulations  and maintain its code of ethics during all types of entry submissions.

Service Provider Code of Conduct and Professional Responsibilities         

Service Provider, where it is applicable, shall adhere to the Code of Conduct . Professional responsibilities of all LegaMart's requirements, including, but not limited to, being a person with good professional characteristics, which could be, but not limited to, being a competent active member of the bar and in good standing in all jurisdictions in which the Service Provider is admitted to practice law. The Service Provider shall comply with all laws, rules, and regulations that pertain to the practice of law for the relevant jurisdiction(s).

 The Service Provider shall remain solely responsible for the Legal Services (including, but not limited to, related conflicts checks) provided by the Service Provider or any of its employees, delegates, or other representatives. The Service Provider acknowledges that LegaMart is not responsible for the Legal Services provided to any Applicant. Service Provider shall not have any business, professional, personal, or other interest, including, but not limited to, the representation of other clients that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of its obligations under the IBA guidelines on conduct for the legal profession. In terms of conflict of interest, we implement the IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interests as individual tests per our criteria. If any such actual or potential conflict of interest arises under this contract, the Service Provider must immediately inform LegaMart (in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

The Service Provider shall: (i) maintain the confidentiality of Applicant Information; and (ii) will only use Applicant information as permitted in this contract and consistent with the applicable laws and legal rules of ethics.

Law firms under these terms are a sort of service providers, and they are responsible for their lawyers who act as Service Providers via LegaMart. 

If the law firm accepts to work with LegaMart, the law firm will act as the Legal Service Provider. Therefore, the followings would be considered as its responsibilities:

  • Introducing the lawyers and creating their lawyer profiles
  • Get sure their information is accurate and checking whether their bar licences are valid regularly


All LegaMart’s responsibilities regarding the individual  Legal Service Providers, here, will be applicable to the law firm.

 LegaMart is not responsible for the lawyers’ misrepresentation. Here, the law firm would be responsible for its lawyers’ behaviour.


After deducting the Service Charges, LegaMart will reveal the payments to the law firm. The law firm would be in charge of dealing with its lawyers.

 3. Applicant Relations    

The Service Provider shall promptly reply to any inquiry by any Applicant on the site, or inform LegaMart immediately if the Service Provider (A) cannot do so, or (B) is not interested in representing such Applicant for such inquiry, in each case, in compliance with the time-frames set forth in the Service Provider Code of Conduct.

The Service Provider shall promptly notify LegaMart if an Applicant contacts the Service Provider for any Legal Services out of the platform.

In each such case, the Service Provider provides Legal Services through the site. The Service Provider shall neither (1) interfere with the applicant obtaining Legal Services through the site nor (2) circumvent the billing of services outside of the framework of the LegaMart Site.

 4 Assessments and Reviews

The Service Provider hereby consents to (i) any scrutiny undertaken by LegaMart (or its agents) of any Applicant complaints, (ii) any assessment made by LegaMart of the Service Provider's ongoing qualifications (including credentials and bar license) and (iii) any collection of, and publication on Service Provider's profile of, reviews of Service Provider's services completed by Applicants (collectively, "Assessments").

 5 Payments    

5.1. Summary of Billing and Payment Process    

All payments from Applicants to Service Providers to shall be paid through the LegaMart platform. Advocacy costs would be on a fixed or hourly basis, Advisory and Consultation charged on an hourly rate, and Case Review set on a per page basis. 

 The Service Provider shall use the site to bill all Applicants for Legal Services provided by them to Applicants through invoices. The Service Provider may submit descriptions of the Legal Services in the stated bill. LegaMart, by default, offers a trial period between the Service Provider and Applicant, with an enforced refund policy for the first initial two weeks (depending on the package) for any reason, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. In such a case, it is the Service Provider's sole duty to notify LegaMart that the parties' agreement has altered the default position. LegaMart will not pay the received amount to the Service Provider until the two week time elapses unless otherwise agreed by the Service Provider and the Applicant.

The Service Provider can bill Applicants through the site on a minimum monthly basis. 

Unless otherwise agreed (between the Service Provider, LegaMart, and  the Applicant), the Service Provider must submit the hours for such Legal Services through the site by 11:59 pm UK TIME on the 7th day of the month for the period beginning from the first day to the last day of the previous month (e.g. by no later than 11:59 pm UK TIME on January 7, the Service Provider must submit all hours from the period December 1 at 12:00 am until December 31 at 11:59 pm). Service Providers are unable to increase or state personal fees or issue Service Fees.

The Service Provider may bill Applicants for an up-front retainer fee deposit (in some jurisdictions like England called Client Account). The Service Provider is solely responsible for ensuring that retainer fee deposits are directed to the appropriate bank account following the applicable Rules of Professional Conduct.

The Service Provider must maintain an active bank account information for the Service Provider's or Service Provider's law firm's operations on the site (the "Bank Account"). 

LegaMart deducts the service charge  (18.5%) from the first payment. In other forms of payment, like monthly bills, LegaMart deducts from every paid amount accordingly.   If the Legal Service Provider practices in a country in which the regulatory body does not permit fee-sharing between lawyers and non-lawyers, we require them to provide a LegaMart-exclusive discount on their legal fees, and the applicant will be billed directly for all fees. All billing transactions can be viewed on our platform portal with 100% transparency. 

If you practice in a country in which the regulatory body does not permit fee-sharing between lawyers and non-lawyers (like Nigeria), we ask you to provide a LegaMart-exclusive discount on your legal fees, and the applicant will be billed directly for all

Service Provider Fee Arrangements   

 The Service Provider shall enter rates on the Platform in British Pound (£) as follows: (A) on the Service Provider's LegaMart profile page, they shall enter a general hourly rate to be displayed to potential clients to indicate the Service Provider's likely rate range (the "Standard Rate"), (B) Upon a submission of a proposal for service, The Service Provider shall enter a rate specific to the Service Provider's understanding of the requested service (a "Proposal Rate"), and (C) when opening service, the Service Provider shall enter the agreed rate with the client for such service (a "Service Rate").

 All fee arrangements towards applicants shall include any credit card or other processing fees charged by LegaMart's third-party payment processor ("Processing Fees") that may be associated with payment receipt from Applicants or rendering payment to the Service Provider.

All payments are handled by LegaMart’s online platform. After the parties agree on the extent of services, fees, and deadlines, and an electronic contract is signed, payment will be made in accordance with the contract. LegaMart receives payment and forwards the service provider their funds after collecting an 18.5% service fee (depending on the service package).

It is the Service Provider's sole responsibility to ensure that their bank account information is correct, valid, and operative. Upon the applicant's payment, LegaMart will deduct its marketing/subscription fee and deposit the remaining amount to the Service Provider's account. Any arrangement fees such as, but not limited to, processing or exchange fees is payable by the Service Provider's bank account. 

 6. Confidentiality    

The parties agree that the files maintained by LegaMart, this contract, all correspondences, documents, computer software, marketing, and any other materials are strictly confidential business information.


Without limiting the preceding, the Service Provider shall safeguard the confidentiality of the terms and conditions with the same degree of care, but no less than reasonable care, that the Service Provider uses to protect their confidential information. The foregoing obligations shall not apply to the extent that such an applicable portion of the Terms and Conditions is already or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Service Provider.


The Service Provider shall not furnish or disclose to any person or entity any confidential information without LegaMart's prior written consent. The Service Provider may disclose the Terms and Conditions to the extent necessary to provide Legal Services to Applicants, comply with an order of a court or governmental administrative body of competent jurisdiction, or as otherwise required by law.


6.2. LegaMart's Obligations

LegaMart shall not disclose the Service Provider's specific fee arrangements or bills ("Service Provider Confidential Information") without the Service Provider's prior consent. However, except LegaMart may:


disclose as required by law; or

disclose to prospective Applicants during the Matching Process.

  1. Disclose Service Provider's bills to an Applicant for a related service for which an Applicant has retained such Service Provider.
  2. Aggregate and anonymise data rates for reporting and analytical purposes, provided that in such case, LegaMart will not individually identify any Service Provider in such reporting or analytics.


As per the limitation period, both parties (the Legal Service Provider and the Applicant) have agreed that LegaMart will retain all corresponding text, messages, and other relevant data for at least one year from the initial date in which the Service Provider and Applicant enter into a contract, following the provisions of the UK Data Protection Act.

 7. Representations and Warranties           


the Legal Service Provider agrees that (i) it has full power and freedom to enter into this contract and perform its obligations (ii) the execution and delivery of this contract will not result in breaches of any terms and conditions or constitute a default under any other agreement to which such party is bound by, and (iii) the individual executing this contract (electronically or by written signature) is authorised to execute this contract on such party's behalf.

 Service Provider           

The Service Provider further represents and warrants that he or she complies with all obligations (to LegaMart), including, but not limited to, all responsibilities and duties outlined in Section 2, and shall perform the same  professional, diligent , and professional manner.



We, as LegaMart, take no responsibility for any misrepresentation conducted by any of Service Providers.  It is the  Service Provider's sole responsibility to abide and follow the Misrepresentation Act 1967. In case of any conflict with the following Act, LegaMart reserves its right to hold the Service Provider accountable for any loss or damage incurred as a result. 

 Disclaimer of Warranties            

The Service Provider acknowledges and agrees that LegaMart is not responsible for (89.1) the accuracy, reliability, timeliness, or completeness of any information or data provided by Applicants through the Site or the Services ("Applicant Information"), (8.2) the results that may be obtained from the use of the Site or the Services, (8.3) the provision of Service Provider's Legal Services, or (8.4) the cancelling or rescheduling of any appointment by any Applicant. The site and services are provided "as it is" and without any type of warranty. 

LegaMart, on behalf of itself and its suppliers and licensors, hereby disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, oral or written, including without limitation, all implied warranties of title, non-infringement, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose and all warranties arising from any course of dealing or performance or usage of trade.

LegaMart does not represent that the site or services will be uninterrupted or error-free.

The Service Provider shall have no authority to bind LegaMart by any acts, omissions, statements, promises, or representations unless specifically authorised to do so in writing.

Limitation of Liability

Except for indemnity, breach of confidentiality and breach of warranty obligations, neither party (nor its suppliers or licensors) shall be liable or obligated to the other party under any negligence, contract, tort, strict liability, or other legal or equitable theory for (a) indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary (b) loss of data, use, profits, or legal services; or (c) costs of procurement of substitute goods, services, rights, or technology.

LegaMart shall not be liable to the Service Provider for an Applicant's breach of obligation. The Service Provider shall take reasonable and legally binding measures to clarify and even enshrine contractual terms to make LegaMart out of their private contractual relationship with the Applicant. 

LegaMart is not liable nor responsible for any error in legal advice, misconduct, missed deadlines by the Service Provider and non-payment by the Applicant as LegaMart is not a party to any contract between the Service Provider and Applicant. 

 10. Intellectual Property     

LegaMart Ownership

LegaMart has all proprietary rights, title, and interest, including, without limitation, all patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and trade secrets embodied in the Services or the Site, and to any inventions, data, information, know-how, logos, technology, software and documentation related to the Services or the Site.

Trademarks; Publicity           

The Service Provider shall not use any name, trade name, trademark, or service mark of LegaMart (each a 'Mark') in any promotion, advertising, or other similar materials or any publicity or news releases without the prior written approval of LegaMart. Any such use of a 'Mark' will be subject to LegaMart's quality control guidelines and trademark usage policies provided to the Service Provider from time to time. LegaMart reserves the right to terminate the Service Provider's right to use any 'Mark' immediately upon the issuance of written notice.

 License to Service Provider Information

The Service Provider grants LegaMart all rights and licenses to use and exploit the Service Provider's name, nickname, pseudonym, initials, biography, likeness, trademarks, image or facsimile image, profile, and other provided information by the Service Provider ("Profile Materials"), subject to Section 5 (Confidentiality), on and in connection with the Site and Services. LegaMart will not use the Service Provider's name or likeness in marketing materials without the Service Provider's prior consent.

11. Termination        

Either party may unilaterally terminate this contract at any time for any reason or no reason whatsoever upon providing thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party. LegaMart will conduct a review process to ensure that the Service Provider remains of a high quality. Failure to maintain consistently, high-quality results may result in termination by LegaMart.

 Option to Terminate

LegaMart is entitled to terminate the contract if the Service Provider’s star rating drops below 80% satisfactory level. In such a case, all the previous agreements and  obligations would still be valid.

12. Miscellaneous

Nothing contained in this contract, including any compensation paid or payable, is intended or shall be construed: (i) to require, influence or otherwise induce or solicit a party or any of its affiliates regarding referrals of business; or (ii) to interfere with an Applicant's right to choose his or her Service Provider, or with the Service Provider's judgment regarding the provision of Legal Services.


Neither party may assign this contract, and/or any of its rights and obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other party, except that LegaMart may assign this contract without consent to an affiliate or to a successor to all or substantially all of LegaMart's assets or business to which this contract relates. Any purported assignment made in violation of this section shall be null and void. This contract is binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assignments.


Any notices required or permitted under this contract shall be given in writing and confined to email. The Service Provider is solely responsible for finding, acting, and responding to the email as LegaMart is not responsible for any failed delivery, junk classification of the mail, or an invalid email address of the Service Provider. The Service Provider's sole duty and responsibility are to ensure that their email account is fully operative, responding, and in an accurate status.The time of delivery is when the email is sent.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

The law of England and Wales governs this contract and any conduct of the parties within the platform. Primarily, any dispute between the parties shall be settled by mediation and/or arbitration under the Arbitration Act 1996 in London-UK. Any form of interpretation of this contract is in accordance with the laws mentioned above.

Force Majeure 

The performance of this contract may be suspended by either party to the extent and for the period that such party is prevented or delayed from fulfilling its obligations due to causes beyond its control (including but not limited to , acts of God, actions of civil or military authority, applicable sanctions, restrictions, embargo, new legislation or regulatory requirements, strikes or other labour disturbances, fires, floods, epidemics, wars or riots).


No modification, amendment, or waiver of this contract or any of its provisions shall be binding upon LegaMart unless made in writing and agreed to by LegaMartLegaMart may amend the terms and conditions of this contract at any time in its sole discretion on the basis  that LegaMart  provides at least fifteen (15) days prior notice to the Service Providers through email or publish the amendment brief on the website. If the Service Provider does not agree to such amendments, it may terminate this contract immediately upon deleting their account. The Service Provider's continued use of the Services or the site following such fifteen (15) day notice period shall be deemed to be the Service Provider's acceptance of such amendments.


If any part of this contract becomes  invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision will be deemed to be deleted. However, the validity and enforce ability of the remaining parts of this contract will not in any way be affected or impaired, and this contract will be enforceable as modified.

Entire Contract 

Unless otherwise specified herein, this contract and the policies given in the site, the Service Provider Code of Conduct constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties.

Relationship of Parties 

Neither party will represent that it has any authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of the other party or represent the other party as agent, and, or in any additional capacity. Any employee (including secretary), servant, subcontractor, or agent of a party shall remain at all times under the exclusive direction and control of that party and shall not be deemed to be an employee, servant, subcontractor, or agent of another party.

 Remedies Cumulative 

Unless expressly stated otherwise, no remedy afforded to a party under this contract shall preclude other remedies available under the Law of England&Wales and English Common Law of Equity. Furthermore, the remedies afforded to the parties in this contract are not intended to be exclusive, and each treatment shall be cumulative.