T&C for Fixed-Priced Legal Packeges

Terms & Conditions for Fixed-Priced Legal Packages 

This Fixed-Price Packages for Company Registration General Terms (hereinafter: the Agreement) is made on the [date] between Legal Market Solutions Ltd (hereinafter: LegaMart) and Mr/Ms. as Company Registration Service Provider (hereinafter: Service Provider) [proof of address & at least one identification document should be addressed]. The area covered by this Agreement is the jurisdiction of [Country].

1. Terms Definition

  1. Fixed-Price Packages for [The purpose] is a service provided by LegaMart to its clients, through which they can incorporate their company in [Country]. LegaMart introduces the clients to the Service Provider under the Terms and Conditions set below.
  2. [details of the service may be given]
  3. A Client is any legal or natural person who wants to [obtain the service] through LegaMart’s service.

 2. Scope of Work

Fixed-Price Packages for [the purpose], depends on the Clients request, may consist of:

[examples from company registration service]

  1. Formation and registration of a company;
  2. Opening bank account;
  3. Obtaining a Tax ID for shareholders;
  4. Appointment of an accountant;
  5. Preparation of the articles of association;
  6. Carrying out the application process through …;
  7. Being present during the tax inspection made by the tax offices;
  8. Application for the registration of the company to the Trade Registry Directorate
  9. Preparation of the signature circular (incumbency certificate) of the company.

3. Compensation

  1. The total cost of Fixed-Price Packages for registration of all forms of companies is [....], in which [...] shall be paid to the Service Provider to compensate his costs. The rest of [equal to 18.5%] belongs to LegaMart as its fees. The total cost of Fixed-Price Packages for the other extra services will be subject to further agreements. 
  2. The client cannot apply for a refund unless with the prior consent of the Service Provider.
  3. Before wiring the Service Provider’s share, as it is mentioned in S.3 A, the Service Provider will issue an invoice to LegaMart addressing the amount mentioned above.
  4. LegaMart shall wire the Service Provider invoices, within two (2) weeks from the date of any or each settlement according to LegaMart’s general terms as it is reflected on the terms and conditions (https://legamart.com/terms-and-conditions) to the Service Provider’s bank account: 

Account Name: 

Account type: 

Account number: 


Swift (IBAN) Code: 

Bank Address: 

  1. Service Provider shall receive any payment in any currency in connection with this agreement (except any payment from the LegaMart side) only through the LegaMart’s platform.
  2. The transfer will be done through Wise, and therefore the Service Provider could apply for a direct contact through there. If the Service Provider introduces their local bank account, any related cost of exchange or transfer will be with them.

4. Validity

  1.  This Agreement is valid from the date of acknowledgement from LegaMart for a period of 3 months  (hereinafter: the Period). There will be a chance to extend it, upon the conditions set in the Agreement (including reaching a later agreement), or be withdrawn, if one or more provisions set in the Agreement is not reached.
  2. This Agreement is valid unless any breach happens or upon any termination request. By two weeks before the end of the Period, any extension in time will be negotiated. If a party wishes not to extend the Agreement, it will be communicated through a notice. However, the notice should not be communicated later than one month before the end of the Period. 

5. Non-Disclosure

  1. Any data belonging to LegaMart, including but not limited to databases relating to the lawyers and clients, business assets, such as business model, contracts and partners, development plans and programmes, marketing and recruiting methods, payments, etc., is LegaMart’s Intellectual Property and is protected under provisions of the Agreement. Any breach of this provision shall result in termination of this Agreement.
  2. Any damage or loss as a result of disclosure or leakage of protected data shall be subject to full and due compensation.

 6. Obligations

A) Service Provider

i. The Service Provider undertakes compliance with the professional standards of legal services in his/her activities relating to LegaMart, as it is mandatory by the applicable code of conduct by local authorities, as well as LegaMart's policies and interests.

ii. The Service Provider undertakes to be transparent to LegaMart in his/her activities relating to LegaMart.

iii. Service Provider is expected to provide services as agreed and listed in the packages with the price agreed and listed. Service Provider undertakes to impose no more additional or hidden cost to clients.

iv. The Service Provider accepts and recognises that all listed services are a part of the package and therefore, the package price is valid.

v. The Service Provider accepts and recognises that any extra fees required service or third party fees, such as government fees or stamp duty are not included with the packages, unless agreed otherwise, and fees should be advised clearly to the client against a piece of physical evidence in advance. Any extra fees or governmental costs are subject to the applicant’s case; therefore it can vary from person to person or from case to case. This is the responsibility of the Service Provider to advise the client in writing. Only a written confirmation from the client is valid for approval or dismissal of the process or fees.

vi. The Service Provider accepts and recognises that he/she cannot unilaterally make any changes in the Fixed-Price Packages. If necessary in an unforeseen situation, it should be discussed with LegaMart first and changes can be made only with a mutual agreement in writing.

vii. The Service Provider accepts and recognises that all communications and financial transactions should merely be done through the LegaMart platform.

viii. The LegaMart terms and conditions (as it will be updated) shall determine the general terms between the parties, available on (https://legamart.com/).

B) LegaMart

i. LegaMart undertakes not to disclose the Service Provider's personal business data unless it should be done according to a valid order or a warrant issued by local courts or authorities of England.

ii. LegaMart undertakes to compensate for the Service Provider's endeavours in a conventional period of time as is duly agreed upon in this Agreement.

iii. LegaMart undertakes to demand clients to provide complete information to the Service Provider.

iv: The Service Provider is aware and agrees that there is no liability for LegaMart for the clients’ any misrepresentation of facts or providing false information or documents during the company registration process.
Dispute Settlement

  1. If any dispute arises from or in connection with this Agreement, both parties will negotiate with good faith. If negotiations did not suffice to settle the matter, the dispute would be settled in LCIA with a single arbitrator who is appointed mutually by the parties. If the parties failed to appoint an arbitrator within 15 days, the Director-General of LCIA would appoint the arbitrator.. 
  2. The ruling law to the Agreement and related issues is the substantive laws of England.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement is intended as the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and negotiations related thereto. No revision or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and executed by an authorised representative of both parties.