Deleted user
posted 10 months ago
Where to file the case? India or USA?
My wife filed a false domestic voilence case against me in USA and left India stealing my money & gold. Until this case is closed I can't travel outside of US, as I don't have visa. I have evidences to show that she hit me and stole my items & money. How & where do I file a case and sue her in this situation, is it in india or usa?
  • United States
  • India
  • Criminal Law

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Deleted user
posted 8 months ago
Hi Can You send me details of Your case status now?
Deleted user
posted 10 months ago
Yes, we both are indian citizen
Deleted user
posted 10 months ago
You can file a counter claim in the US court evidencing about hitting and stealing your money. Is she an Indian Citizen?