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posted 3 years ago
What kind of secrecy can be obtained by hiding an organization's EIN tax number?
I am a treasurer working for an organization under a local high school in North Carolina, in the United States. The organization is not registered with the IRS, however, the school system has been registered. We are seeking to conduct a nonprofit crowdfunding campaign in IndieGoGo, and they require our organization to submit its EIN number. We have received that number from our treasurer, and are attempting to use it, but it does not show up in IndieGoGo, nor does it show up as an exempt organization on the IRS's Exempt Organization Select Check. In addition, my supervisor informed me that the school system’s EIN number is kept under tight secrecy. Are there any benefits for keeping this number secret? More specifically, is there some sort of tax-exempt organization status that does not have the records publicly available?
  • United States
  • Tax

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