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posted 4 years ago
What is the legality behind landlords throwing away tenants belongings in the UK?
My flatmates and I have been facing issues with our landowners. They will dispose of any tools left in the kitchen without being cleaned. Before the agreement, we all confirmed an agreement to the house rules. Here is a citation from the agreement: "In the kitchen/lounge and all of the communal areas: there must be no dirty plates/cutlery/cooking utensils left lying around. Please ensure you do your washing up and put it away before cleaners visit. DO NOT put dirty plates in the cupboard as they will be removed and disposed of. Please ensure you remove your personal belongings from the lounge and any washing drying on radiators or airers to allow the cleaner to clean and dust properly." I am inquiring about the legality of it. Does it make it legal for landlords to take our stuff? Is this covered by the "Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1977"
  • United Kingdom
  • Property

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