Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
What information must be removed from judicial decisions in France when made public?
Anyone in France may ask for a copy of a judicial decision. If one decides to make it available publicly, what information must be removed from the judicial decisions?
  • France
  • Public Law

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Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
First of all, according to 27 4 Article L 32-1-II of the “Code des postes et des communications électroniques" (CPCE) of French law of the 2002 EU: "Whenever, in the context of the provisions of this code, the minister in charge of electronic communications and the Autorit de regulation Des communications electroniques et des postes intend to take measures which have a significant impact on the market, they shall publicize the intended measures within a reasonable period before their adoption and receive comments on them. The result of these consultations is made public except in the case of confidentiality protected by law. The authority puts in place a service allowing access to those consultations." Additionally,The question of the confidentiality of documents requested by the judge or the parties can arise. No specific provisions used to exist under French law to safeguard the confidentiality of documents during intellectual property proceedings, apart from the specific case of the saisie-contrefaçon (infringement seizure).