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posted 2 years ago
Valid Proof of Investment for Permanent Residence in Thailand
In order to qualify for PR under the “Investment” category, a person must have invested at least THB 10,000,000 (US$ 277,262 – as of 21/11/2022) in a Thai public firm, limited company, stock exchange, a security issued by the government, or asset owned by a state enterprise. Applicants must submit certified records demonstrating that they complied with the aforementioned requirements in order to apply for Permanent Residency based on investment; specific records depend on the type of investment made, such as: For investments in instruments certified by the Stock Exchange Commission: - Original copy certifying the purchase. - Copy of the purchasing document. For investments in government or state-issued bonds: - Certified letter from a Thai bank confirming the bond’s purchase - Original copy of the bond certificate - Copy of the bond certificate Investment in a Limited or Public Limited Company: - A Ministry of Commerce certified certificate of company registration dating back no more than three months. - Copies of the company’s financial statements and corporate income tax returns from the past three years. - Evidence of Value-Added Tax or Specific Business Tax registration. If given permanent residency status in Thailand, the resident must provide the Immigration Bureau with proof that the investment capital. Additionally, this detail must be preserved by the end of September every year for three years, failing which they would permanently lose their PR status.
  • Thailand
  • Immigration Law

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