Deleted user
posted 8 months ago
Transporting cash internationally
I am being shipped a briefcase from an oil company in the U.K with $1.1m cash in it. The shipping company has told me there is a $100k clearance fee, of which they will pay 60% and I am expected to pay 40%. The only funds I have are those in the briefcase. Do these amounts, percentages and procedures sound correct? The money is a paycheck for contract services, in cash form. I am in the U.S.
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Commercial and Business Law
  • Public Law
  • Other

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Deleted user
posted 8 months ago
In international transactions involving significant amounts of cash, it is crucial to exercise utmost caution. The scenario you described, where a substantial sum is being shipped in a briefcase for a clearance fee, raises several concerns. Legitimate businesses typically utilize more secure and transparent financial channels. Before proceeding, independently verify the legitimacy of both the oil company and the shipping company. Contact them through official channels to confirm the authenticity of the transaction. It's advisable to consult with financial and legal professionals who specialize in international transactions to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and to protect your interests. Given the unconventional nature of this arrangement, it's essential to prioritize due diligence and proceed with caution to mitigate any potential risks associated with such transactions.
Deleted user
posted 8 months ago
Totally agreed with Anthony; it's a text-book example of scam, which is a criminal offence in many jurisdictions including UK and US.
Deleted user
posted 8 months ago
Complete scam. A tried and tested way of getting someone to front money up to get paid a larger amount. A criminal act that should be reported