Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Sweepstakes consultation
Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing this letter to request the information about the laws of sweepstakes and contest promotion. Our company is planning to create TikTok challenge and organize a sweepstakes and contest promotion among our customers. Our plan is to put flyers inside the package of every product bought by our customers. On this flyer, all information about sweepstakes and contest will be presented. So, the idea is that they will make a video on TikTok, and the more views of the video they will get, the higher money price will be. Our sweepstakes and contest will be for all our customers from different states. We made researches about laws, and it is stated that in some states if the prize of sweepstakes and contests is more than 5000 dollars, it should be registered and bonded in advance. Also, there is some law stated that any promotion that has a prize valued at $600 means there are tax implications. Plus, we found the information that if the company is organizing sweepstakes and contest, certain information should be included in the flyers/vouchers/announcements. Thus, we would like to get a consultation of the lawyer, how we can legally organize our sweepstakes and contest, and what information we should include on flyers, what steps we should take, and what is the maximum sum of prize we can offer. Could you please present the information to our request? How much will it cost to get your law consultation regarding this issue and what services it will include? Thank you in advance! Best wishes, Anna
  • United States
  • Commercial and Business Law
  • Public Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Unfortunately, this is not within the area of practice that I am most familiar with. Thus I would refer you to seek out an experienced lawyer practicing Gaming Law.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Sorry, but this is not within the areas of the law that I have the most experience in. You would best be served by seeking a lawyer who practices Gaming and Casino Law.