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posted 2 years ago
Suing a Mental Health Facility
I was unsure about what topic to put this under so I might be wrong about it. Since January, I have been cyberstalked by a woman who lives in a mental health facility. She has doxxed me, gotten someone local to threaten me (which I got an order of protection against him), threatened to swat me, suicide baited me, caused lasting psychological and mental trauma. The facility was informed of this early on but said they "couldn't block her access to the internet." I did file a report with the UK police but they have stopped talking to them. They also refuse to speak about the matter to me any further no matter how much the girl escalates. But before they ghosted they did say this was a common behavior of hers. So this facility knew this woman was dangerous online and even after numerous people came to them terrified of her, they still allowed her to have her smart phone. They refused to protect the public from someone who had caused so much trauma with her cyberstalking I know of two people who attempted suicide because of her. I am in the US but is it possible to sue this company for allowing this woman to keep stalking me?
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Public Law

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