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posted 2 years ago
school fights
hello, i just want to ask a simple question. Is it possible for me to do anything when the whole school knows you bc of a fight? One day i was at school (bustop) waiting for my parents to pick me up, while i was waiting for them. There were 2 girls fighting (absolutely extreme fight but no blood was shed) and i without hesitation starts taking pictures and videos but without me realising another person was also filming the fight (the bustop was crowded with people so many witnesses) and also taking vids of me taking pictures of them. and overnight i got famous for being ‘iconic’ for my unbothered attitude in the video, but the thing is. people starts taking edits of me and i was maybe out of the line a bit. i was making the edits and posting it to my story. not only that i claimed that it was someone else and when my friend asked for the edits i just send it to them. But then.. Without realising whats happening i was completely famous overnight. everyone knows about me and the issue here is what am i supposed to do? am i the wronged one? will i be involved? could this be a court case? idk please help me !!
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posted 2 years ago
Dear Mr., Thank you for writing to Lexin Legal from we are really delighted to receive your email and help you with your problem in Turkey. We will be more than happy to help you in this regard because Lexin Legal aims to collaborate with international clients, firms, and entities. Our team is comprised of renowned lawyers and academics. We can offer you the best solution if you give us more information about your legal problem. As a next step, please share your contact details and the documents related to your issue. to our email address, "[email protected]" after that one of our professional lawyers reviews it and will give you the information and the possibilities related to your legal issue in Turkey. Best Regards, Lexin Legal Client Support Center [email protected] Kuştepe Mah. Leylak Sk. No:3/11 Murat İş Merkezi Şişli / ISTANBUL