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posted 3 years ago
Quebec language law and “French First” requirement
Suppose I am developing an application for company A which will be used by its employees worldwide. A has offices in Quebec, Canada. I am aware that local laws exist in Quebec which protect workers' rights there to work in French. As part of the process of internationalizing the application, which of the following are required by that law, if any: The default language is French The default language can be English, but it must be possible for a user who speaks only French to change the language to French The default language can be English, and it may be required that the user know some English or to have taken specific training to know how to change the language same as above, but no training Also, to what degree does the law require localization of non-alphabetic information such as large numbers, dates, currencies, punctuation, and the like.
  • Canada
  • Employment
  • Public Law

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