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posted 2 years ago
Police issue
Dear All, On 28th of March 22 Sadar police station(Hamirpur HP) team stop my car in the evening near to my village just 1 km while driving it was an link road, police team consisting SHO inspector rank, sub inspector, HC and two constable. I came out from my car and they said that you are without seat belt, I requested them that i had seatbelt but okay if you want challan do it fast as i have to go to the market and come back fast as there is Bhagwat Katha at my home tommorow and will come back with some sajawat ka saman, sI shouted at me and pushed me back said that we are not here for your bhagwat then he and his HC pushed me lilttle and keep me one side, sir then argument started with no other discussion only restricted to to do my challan fast and i said i can not wait for you such long time, during that video or in any other discusssion that i was using phone or anyone sitting with me, after that sho has taken my licence and do challan of seat belt of Rs, 1000 and phone challan 2500 , after bhagwat katha i had paid challan and went to police station and ask them for my licence back, they said that they had send this for cancellation where and when no reply, then on the same day i went to SP and briefed about the whole incedent and handed over physical copy of challan payment, till fron 6th Apr to 26th no responce about my license even after two mail to SP as well as direct call to HER. On 27th Apr i receieve a copy confriming that license has been sent to firozpur for cancellation under article 19-1. Kindly suggest what to do
  • India
  • Criminal Litigation
  • Public Law
  • Human Rights

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