Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Park administration duties
Hi, I went to a national reserve park in Holland with a friend. Closing time was 7pm, it began to get dark at 6.15pm. We went to the exit at 6.20ish, the worker told is we were at the wrong exit, ours was on the complete opposite side of the park, he sent is back, knowing it was night time, and that the bikes we had been provided with have no lights. The park know they have an issue with wolves. On the way to our correct exit we got chased by one wolf, further along we got chased by 3 wolves. I am only alive because of my friends quick thinking and calm response. We called the police who contacted the park manager. He did not get back to is until an hour later, he said he had something else to do. The park should have been closed before nightime, the bikes should have had lights and the park rangers should have conducted a final check to see if any people were still in the park, none of this happened. If this happened to me with a female friend i would not be alive.
  • Netherlands
  • Public Law
  • Human Rights

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