Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
over working
I am working as a car Washer here and As per my work contract, My working is 40 hours per week and salary is mentioned 1024.00 euro per month. Unfortunately company is forcing me to do 11 hours work per day for 6 days and giving me 650 euro salary. No overtime and nothing. At the work place their supervisor are mentally and emotionally bully us by giving bad comments in their Slovenia language. I have all proof in documents that proves that they are completely doing illegal and breaching the employment contract. Secondly passport submission without consent not legel. Working everyday 11 hours without any overtime and facing mentally and emotionally pressure. I am very depressed and scared because I am very poor and spend 2 lacs Indian rupees service charge for job to agent now I am facing issues and if I will complain then the company warning me that they will kick out Me. I came here to work but they are keeping me as a slave and if I lost the job then I will not able to give my debts and eventually all depression will lead me to commit suicide. Let me know if you can help then I will share you all documents and more details.
  • Slovakia
  • India
  • Employment

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