Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
New born
Dear sir /madam I am Iranian, I have a residence card because I was accepted at the University of Portugal, and my husband joined me through accession. I am pregnant now, my question is, if I give birth in Portugal, will my child have Portuguese citizenship and receive a Portuguese passport? Please answer me as soon as possible because it is important for me to make a decision and you are the only authority who can guide me properly Best regards Roya monem
  • Portugal
  • Immigration Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
According to the Portuguese Nationality Law (Organic Law No. 2/2018, of July 5), nationality can be obtained through blood right, or jus sanguinis (derived from Portuguese ancestors) or territorial (since the infant was born in Portuguese territory). In both cases they are considered to be of Portuguese origin.