Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
Media consent form for summer camp in California
We have a media consent form that parents have signed for the campers at our summer camp. The wording is as follows: The Participant identified below desires to participate in the [insert summer camp name] (“Activity”). This consent is mandatory to participate in the Activity. The Participant and their legal Parent/Guardian understand that photographs, videotapes, and other recordings will be made of participants in the Activity, including the Participant. The Participant and their legal Parent/Guardian consent to those photographs, videotapes, and other recordings and the use thereof as part of a record of the Activity and to promote the [insert team name]. My interpretation is that we are only able to use the photos on promotional materials such as our website or flyers. Given that we have permission to make recordings of campers, and to use those to promote the summer camp, are there any legal risks or constraints in sending such recordings to parents of campers since we have no control of their actions with these recordings?"
  • United States
  • Contract
  • Intellectual Property

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