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posted 10 months ago
Legal Options for Collecting on an Unpaid Loan to a Friend
Debt Collection, For personal loans, this time limit can vary significantly between different jurisdictions. In many places, the statute of limitations for written or oral agreements ranges from 3 to 15 years, I lent some money to a friend in the USA in the later part of 2001. I lived in the UK then. We had an agreement that he would pay it back by end of March 2002. He failed to and went into hiding. Since then I moved to settle in Ghana. I recently met him at a funeral in Ghana in January 2024, and demanded my money. He promised to pay it back, and sent me less than half of it beginning of April 2024. When I contacted him with regards to the rest of the money, he told me not to contact him again. I want to know if I can sue him for my money and damages.</p>
  • United States
  • Dispute Resolution law

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