Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Landlords duty
I rent a house in Sweden and after a few months i find out that my roof is leaking to the bedroom and because of that black mold appears on the wall. I report the problem to my landlord, but she won't do anything about the problem for weeks, saying she's on vacation. After a few weeks she finally agrees to fix the roof, but ignores to do anything about the black mold. I hold back 1 rent because how bad the house is. Before renting the house i had to paint some rooms walls because the previous tenants had a rottweiler that was locked in the house.
  • Sweden
  • Property

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Generally, in tenancies, Landlords are responsible for general repairs like leaking roofs. However, there can be exceptional situations, for example, where it is expressly stated in the tenancy agreement that the tenant shall be liable/responsible for specific maintenance/repairs. So, let me know whether you signed a tenancy agreement with your landlord so that I can guide you properly...