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posted 3 years ago
Romania’s Constitution acknowledges protection for image rights only as a general and indirect principle, but legislation has significantly evolved in this area during the last 20 years. Here are some laws that prohibit recording from individuals:1_The 1996 Copyright Law sets out provisions for the use of a ‘portrait’. 2_The Advertising Code of Conduct provides that “an advertisement which harms the image, honour, dignity and private life of individuals is forbidden”, and that “commercials should not present or refer to individuals, whether public or private, without the individual’s prior approval”. Publicity and image rights are also mentioned in the Advertising Law (148/2000). 3_Law 161/2003 establishes restriction about the use of recordings or images of public employees or officials for any advertising purpose. 4_Decision 187/2006 of the National Audiovisual Council sets out detailed guidelines for publicity and image rights in the context of audiovisual programmes. Ultimately, Broadcasting images of an individual film in his or her residence or any other private place, or images captured within the private property without consent are prohibited, unless such images constitute evidence of a criminal offence or capture facts of justified public interest.