Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
intervention order variation going to trial
I am the protected person on a police intervention order against my fiance. We are allowed to have full contact but the police have added a safe haven provision. As the protected person I have applied to the court for a variation which would allow my fiance to come home to me and our kids. The magistrates Court has not yet allowed us to speak in two hearings but has heard from the police prosecutor. The magistrate has set a trial for a simple variation. I am the protected person and I have no conviction but I am forced to accept protection that I don't want or need. As my fiance and I will be going to trial together with no lawyer we need help
  • Australia
  • Family Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Hi there, Could you please provide me some more information first before I provide any answers: 1. which state are you based in? 2. Can you provide copies of the IVO? 3. Is the trial you're referring to the trial regarding the IVO or is there an additional trial? It depends on the seriousness of the charges against your fiancé. In addition, whether the police argue that he is a potential threat or danger to your children's safety. Once you have provided me with a copy of the IVO, I can better advise you.