Deleted user
posted 4 months ago
International Freelance work in Iran
Legally, to which countries can an Iranian citizen provide digital services? For example, can it provide Turkish citizens with digital services (non-physical, digital file, such as a pdf file)?
  • Iran
  • Commercial and Business Law

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Deleted user
posted 13 days ago
Hello, Would you please re write your question with more needed details to answer? Thanks
Deleted user
posted 4 months ago
There is no legal ban on providing digital services to nationals of other countries There may be some political restrictions with Israel Or in the discussion of economic sanctions, there may be restrictions on money transfers
Deleted user
posted 4 months ago
There is no legal ban on providing digital services to nationals of other countries There may be some political restrictions with Israel Or in the discussion of economic sanctions, there may be restrictions on money transfers
Deleted user
posted 4 months ago
سلام هيچ ممنوعيتي براي اشتغال افراد ايراني در بسياري از مشاغل در كشورهاي ديگر وجود ندارد، صرفا مشاغلي با محدوديت مواجه هستند كه با مسائل امنيتي يا امثال آن در ارتباط هستند. اگر كار شما ارتباطي با تحريم ها عليه ايران يا موضوعات استراتژيك كشور مقصد نداشته باشد، مي توانيد به صورت ريموت كار كنيد منوط به اينكه شماره حسابي داشته باشيد كه امكان ترنسفر مالي به حسابتون وجود داشته باشد .
Deleted user
posted 4 months ago
This question is not related to my area of expertise. There are agreements signed between the two countries regarding the transfer of goods and services from Iran to Turkey. The Iranian Customs Tariff Schedule and the Note on the List of Products Prohibited for Import can be found at . For more up-to-date information, it is useful to look at the tables regarding the products prohibited for import on the pages of the Ministry of Commerce of Turkey and Iran. I wish you good work.
Deleted user
posted 4 months ago
who stops you providing services abroad? as long as you have a bank account out of Iran to be able to receive your wages, no obstacle is there for you. If you needed a bank account contact me
Deleted user
posted 4 months ago
Belirttiğiniz dijital belgeleri sunmakta bireysel olarak bir sorun yoktur, kurumsal olarak sunduğunuzda faturalar ve bedel tahsilinde engeller çıkabilir karşınıza, çözüm olarak bir şirket açabilirsiniz Türkiye'de.