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posted 3 years ago
Incorporation in Turkey
There is a high demand among Iranian business people to register a new company or register their offices in Turkey. They need generally a lawyer to incorporate/register their venture (may need to prepare Memo) in Turkey, secure a real/virtual office for them and even open their bank accounts. Would you please contact me if you are interested. Hamid
  • Turkey
  • Commercial and Business Law
  • Contract
  • Property
  • +1

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posted 3 years ago
Dear Hamid, I would be happy to work with your clients about legal issues and needs. If you still need legal assistance with your proposal, you can contact me. Best Regards, Atty. İsmail KEMİKLİ [email protected] www.ismailkemikli.av.tr
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posted 3 years ago
Thanks Hande! I will contact you shortly. Regards, Hamid
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posted 3 years ago
Mr. Bagherzadeh, I am new on this market place. As a Turkish lawyer, i am glad to be here and so excited to have client via LegaMart. waiting for your news. best regards Hande
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posted 3 years ago
LegaMart charges legal service providers a marketing fee of 18.5% for all billed legal fees on the platform. If you practice in a country, in which the regulatory body does not permit fee-sharing between lawyers and non-lawyers, They ask you to provide a LegaMart-exclusive discount on your legal fees, and the applicant will be billed directly for all fees.
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posted 3 years ago
Thanks Sumitra, I'll contact you shortly
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posted 3 years ago
You can contact me on 0549912465
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posted 3 years ago
I want to add a point to all Mr. Human and Alireza made; LegaMart company, its servers, its registered office and all activities within is done in England & Wales. As far as I know, Turkish criminal law and its local regulations do NOT govern England and Wales according to the very primary principle of criminal law called territorial principle. Moreover, English courts are very reluctant to put a criminal label to a legal activity in England. I would be more than grateful to hear more from you, Erkin.
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posted 3 years ago
Dear Erkin, Thank you for your detailed explanations and referral to Turkish law. I am not a lawyer and this is not my proficiency to discuss the legal terms and interpretations. So I leave it to you to carry on. But as far as I understand, there are many legal platforms in the market, operating legally for many years, without being challenged by any authorities. The reason for this is the business models of these platforms. Legamart is not an intermediary at all, but a professional platform and a legal community, where clients have access to a wide range of lawyers with different capabilities, expertise, and fees. It gives clients a good chance of evaluating and selecting their desired lawyer, matching their case, discussing the fee, and finally making their own and independent decisions. Without any interference or influence of Legamart. Therefore this is not considered as intermediation, influence, or any kind of promotion or marketing. There is a professional listing, which is perfectly legal. Kind regards and many thanks to you and Alireza for bringing up this important subject.
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posted 3 years ago
Dear Alireza, Thank you for your valuable explanations about Turkish Attorneyship and Criminal Law. I think you misunderstood me. I did not call for any of my Turkish colleagues to join or not join your website. Of course, they will evaluate it themselves in the most correct way. My words were directed towards the administration of the site. I said that we can talk with you about what needs to be done so that lawyers in Turkey can legally participate in such a study, which is a good idea. You stated that the service you provide is not an intermediary service, but a marketing service. In my opinion, matching the client with the lawyer and getting paid in return is an intermediary service, regardless of what name you call it. But even if it is a marketing service, the result does not change. Because advertising is also prohibited for Turkish lawyers. Here is Law No.1136 a.55 "It is forbidden for lawyers to make any attempts or actions that can be considered as advertisements in order to obtain work." Moreover, the prohibition of advertising in Turkish Attorneyship Law is regulated in much more detail than the prohibition of using intermediaries. In this regard, the "Advertising Ban Regulation" published by the Union of Turkish Bar Associations contains very detailed regulations and various penalties as well. You could still argue that you serve for marketing without advertising. But as I said before, what you are actually doing in fact is intermediation. You said that there are other websites that offer services in the same field. I don't know about them but that doesn't change anything. I came across your site by chance and wanted to share my thoughts. After sharing these thoughts, I don't want to disturb you any more. I really tried to help. Sorry if I disrupted you. Kind Regards
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posted 3 years ago
thanks Alireza. You described LegaMart better than me. Hope to open new windows to you shortly.
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posted 3 years ago
Thanks for your advise. It's worth having a call to discuss more. Thanks for following up LegaMart.
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posted 3 years ago
Thank you, I am glad to know you here. I'll contact you short.
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posted 3 years ago
Thanks Cilem, I am glad to know you here. I'll contact you short.
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posted 3 years ago
That's great to know you here. I'll contact you shortly
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posted 3 years ago
Thanks Erem, I will contact you shortly
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posted 3 years ago
Dear Erkin, I am an Iranian lawyer working with LegaMart. In some countries, such as in Turkey, there are limitations for lawyers to accept cases from intermediaries. However, LegaMart's services is not an intermediary service. LegaMart does not refer cases to lawyers or work for lawyers to obtain referral fees. LegaMart is doing marketing services, such as lawyers' promotion, client acquisition, online services to both, in order to manage their inquiry and cases, as well as online tenders on behalf of clients to find the best fitting lawyers for them, in terms of price, jurisdiction, professional status, and so forth. This has been widely accepted in several countries, in which a marketing fee is not considered as an intermediary fee. In addition, as you know well, in criminal law courts are obliged to hire strict interpretation, as to comply with the highest ruling principles of criminal law. The code you mentioned, as I understood, imposes a prohibition on "intermediary fee", no marketing fee. Many lawyers in Turkey do marketing activities, seeking more clients. Many online platforms are active in Turkey to promote lawyers and introduce them to potential clients. According to nullum crimen sine lege principle, which has been reflected in article 2 of Law Number 5237 (Passed On 26.09.2004) of Turkey, no one should "neither be punished nor be imposed cautionary judgment for an act which does not explicitly constitute an offence within the definition of the Law" (Article 2(1)). When there is no penalisation for marketing activities, there would be no criminal definition for that. Also in accordance with the same article, "application of provisions of the Laws relating to crimes and punishments by analogy is prohibited" (Article 2 (3)). Therefore, there is no restriction for marketing activities done by/for lawyers in Law No. 1136 a.48 you mentioned. The fee LegaMart gains is a marketing fee, which does not threaten lawyers' independence or neutrality. Many states have regulated intermediary fees UK and Canada For example regulations in the UK require regulatory bodies for lawyers to ensure that consumers know when referral fees are in operation and to whom they are being paid, while in Ontario, Canada, a referral fee cannot exceed 15% of the fees paid to the lawyer or paralegal who received the referral for the first $50,000 of such fees for the matter and 5% of any additional fees for the matter up to a maximum referral fee of $25,000. However, LegaMart does not charge anybody, any fee as an intermediary fee and, as I discussed above, there is no general provision restricting marketing for lawyers. Last, but not least, lawyers on LegaMart, are all Lawyers, selected carefully to be of high qualifications. They can understand and analyse what affecting them, specifically on legal issues. So it is better to let them decide, whether to join LegaMart's Community or not. You can also visit some other websites, doing the same as we do: https://www.legalmondo.com/ https://www.enloya.com/ https://www.upcounsel.com/ Sincerely, Alireza
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posted 3 years ago
Dear Hamid, I saw on your LinkedIn profile that you are the Co-founder&CEO of LegaMart. Unfortunately, I do not think that the service provided by your website is legal in Turkey. The underlying intention of your site is a good one, but unfortunately there is no suitable legal infrastructure for this service in Turkey. The service you provide with the Legamart site may constitute a crime for the lawyers from Turkey who are included in your system. Because article 48 of the Attorneyship Law No. 1136 prohibits intermediary services for a fee as your site does. Here is the Law No. 1136 a.48 : "Those who act as intermediaries in bringing a job to the lawyer in return for a fee promised or given by the lawyer or the employer, or for any benefit, and the lawyers who use the intermediary are sentenced to imprisonment from six months to one year." If you wish, we can discuss with you what needs to be done so that your website can operate legally in Turkey. My contact information is in the database of your site. Kind regards.
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posted 3 years ago
Dear Mr. Hamid, I will be pleased to work with your clients about all legal issues as a lawyer. If you interested, you can contact with my e-mail address: [email protected] Regards, Esra
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posted 3 years ago
Dear Mr. Hamid, I would like to get this task. Could you please contact me? My email address is [email protected]. Thank you
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posted 3 years ago
Hello Mr Hamid. I am registered in Ankara Bar Association. I would like to help your clients as a lawyer by informing what your clients may encounter legal issues and what they can do. If you want to contact to me, my mail adress is indicated below. [email protected]