Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
If there is more than one person annoying you online, do you have to take out separate court orders to identify each one?
If there is more than 1 email account annoying you online, do you need to take out separate court orders to identify each one, or is one order sufficient? What if one of the accounts you’re naming is determined to not be harassing?
  • United Kingdom
  • Criminal Litigation

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Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
It depends whether you’re receiving these emails from a single individual or from separate people. The most relevant offences are 'harassment' and 'malicious communications'. For harassment, there must have been a clear 'course of conduct'. That is, two or more related occurrences. If there has only been a single communication, it’s unlikely it would qualify as harassment, but could be considered a malicious communication. You can report either harassment or malicious communications online or by calling 101.