Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
we my wife and i are disabled elderly and law abiding Being terrorized beat threatened with death all rights violated damaged right arm damaged both vehicles broken windshields ,11 tires sabotaged both cats killed back yard shot up all wives planters etc all gas tanks filled with sand and just june 1 2022 they killed my little dog an old mans friend they killed her, poison they admit to everything talking too loud in public . MPP's office county councilor deputy mayor OPP All obstruction discrimination all got rid of evidence ,terrorizing people are friends and family of all officials we went to for help We didn't know terrorizers were family of all officials and board members till too late so when i found out and they threatened us with death through others i started video audio daily threats and incidents, turned in for evidence to same officials All were deleted emails video audio There's not mine. Wife and i living in fear and desperation six years now two and half years recorded evidence audio also and daily detailed ledgers of same. things escalating now keep trying to set me up for things can show all evidence overwhelming Thank you kindly. Alex P Seems they the municipality made some kind of rule about governing over themselves and outside agencies cannot get involved i asked for federal investigation wont allow, so going to file private prosecutions on officials and others To get outside help Hopefully.
  • Canada
  • Tort
  • Criminal Litigation
  • Human Rights

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