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posted 2 years ago
GBH with intent
Good Morning,My name is Andrew.I will just the story very short.Eveb though there is a lot to it.Me & my brother John enjoying our Christmas dinner.But he decided to go to a pub for a few drinks,and it was good fun.Brother John had issues,( I will call me X).In which he accused my brother of sleeping with his girlfriend.And my brother John had nothing to do with her.He called to mrx door and said he would like to chat&sort this out.Mr X viciously attacking my brother with a bat.And and the fell back in the Livingston, with the struggle.Mrx received cuts on the head.Where the both bat hit through the struggle.I had no issue and was nothing to do with me.And me& brother where questioned by the police.When,if it goes to court.What are my chances & outcome of the case. Many Thanks, Andrew ( Belfast.N.Ireland).
  • United Kingdom
  • Criminal Litigation

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