Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Forged signature in DHL Invoice
A person in India sent her dysfunctional iPhone to me in the UK through DHL and was charged Rs. 4300 for the transfer. To receive the product, DHL requested me to pay a sum of £54 towards duty and VAT. I requested the customer retention team an invoice, and they sent me the paperwork signed by my sister in India. We were amazed to see an invoice with a forged signature of the sender, quoting a price of £200 for the iPhone. The DHL has forged her signature for getting a higher amount of tax, while the iPhone itself was worthless, as it was dysfunctional. What legal recourse do I have? Can they be tried in the UK, as I have been wrongly made to pay £54? Or does this come under Indian jurisdiction? Is there an easy online way to protect my consumer rights?"
  • India
  • Contract
  • Tax
  • Criminal Litigation
  • +1

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