Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Family Conflicts
My husband is serving in the defense forces in India. I am a housewife with zero income. .We are married for 8yearsand have a daughter who is 2.5years old But my husband doesn't give me any respect, importance, care love, or anything in the emotional criteria. He treats me as if I am a maid-servant in his house whose job is to just do the household chores and take care of the child...In return just gives me some money as the payment for my service... There is no emotional attachment towards me from his side... I feel claustrophobic while living here. I want to get some advice on what can I do to improve my condition
  • India
  • Family Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
You can file a domestic violence case against your husband which also consist of mental cruelty given by husband to his wife. Domestic violence also provides you the fixed monthly maintenance in terms of money on the part of you and your child. You can also call us for further details at M LEGAL EYES 9818456171