Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Domestic problems
I got married 4 months before. my wife is also working. we had clearance since last 4 months because her mother interferes in our daily life. she doesn't do any household work at the home no she cooks the food properly she always keeps insulting my parents. she says that she will not contribute any part of her salary in the household expenses she wants me to provide everything and along with that she wants me to take her out every weekend and spend a handsome money on her and she is asking to give less money to my parents which are used to give earlier also before marriage. I called her parents to sit with my parents and resolve the issue but when her parents came her mother threatened us to to file a petition for divorce and to put us in jail and ask heavy alimony amount. also my wife and I was working in Gurgaon where as my parents lives in Bhiwani Haryana and now she and her mother are pressurizing me to live with them in Gurgaon she has straight away denied to live with my parents in Bhiwani because I have received work from home from my company she has also received it recently but she denied to live with my parents she went to her parents since last 20 days and living there please help what should I do as now she is threatening me that she will commit suicide if I don't agree to her terms.
  • India
  • Criminal Litigation
  • Family Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Please contact us on +919990097881, we are Gurugram based only.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Hi You can us M LEGAL EYES Advocate MOHIT THAREJA 9818456171
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Talk to her and her parents once if this can be sorted out amicably. If this does not get over, file a NC with the local police station and file a complaint after that. Tell the police about your story and save yourself, that she is threatening to commit suicide. You will need to send a legal notice to keep things on record. Next time whenever she fights or threatens, try to take proof of that if possible.