Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Does us and canada share immigration info?
Does us and Canada share immigration info?
  • Canada
  • United States
  • Immigration Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
"As you might know, the US and Canada have a strong history of cooperation on immigration issues. Both countries work together closely to ensure that our borders are secure while still facilitating the lawful flow of people and goods. So yes! US and Canada share immigration information through several bilateral treaties and agreements. These treaties allow for the exchange of immigration information between the two countries for law enforcement, national security, and public safety. The sharing of information is generally done case-by-case after both countries have determined that it is necessary and appropriate. The US and Canada have a strong history of cooperation on immigration issues. Both countries work together closely to ensure that our borders are secure while still facilitating the lawful flow of people and goods."