Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Deportation from Albania
hello 👋 Im an Albanian citizen and i have get a deportation from Hungary. i have been travel from Albania with buss to Hungary and in border the authorities stop me and return me back to Albania. the reason is that they found 2 fake stamps on my passport and they have stop me for 3 years the Europ. Im married with bulgarian citizen and my wife living and working in Sweden. i also lived there but i have 6 months now that i cant find solution to enter europ because of this ban. Is it possible to lift this ban ?
  • Albania
  • Criminal Litigation
  • Immigration Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Do you have any resident permit for Bulgaria? Or never lived there? I dont know Bullgarian citizenship law for foreigners married a bullgarian but if the process is shorter than 3 years maybe you and your spose should look for ways to get Bulgarian citizenship and will be more easy for you in the future to travel. Then ban towards EU citizens has different rules for non EU citizens.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Hello. As it was communicated you better not try to go in another european country during this time because u risk up to 6m9nth prison. However as you mentioned your wife is from Bulgaria so an EU citizen maybe you can try to make a request to the Hungarian authorities to remove the ban explaining your family reason. In some cases is possible when u have strong reason ( dunno if you have children), but is worth trying.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Pershendetje, lidhur me pyetjen tende, me ler te njoftoj se eksperienca ime esht elidhur me fushen criminal law, mirepo sa i perket pyetjes tende mund te ju keshilloj te mos tentoni te hyni ne Evrope brenda ketyre tre viteve, pasi qe vulat e falsifikume ne pasaporte jane veper penale, mirepo juve ne kete rast nga qendra e emigracionit iu eshte dhenje nje vendim administrativ per te mos hyre ne Evrope per tri vite, dhe nese ju tentoni ta shkelni kete urdher rrezikoni denim me burg, keshtu qe eshte me mire te mendoni jeten tuaj jashte Evropesw per keto tri vite. shpresoj te ju kem ndihmuar. Kaloni dite te mire, Besarta
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Pershendetje, lidhur me pyetjen tende, me ler te njoftoj se eksperienca ime esht elidhur me fushen criminal law, mirepo sa i perket pyetjes tende mund te ju keshilloj te mos tentoni te hyni ne Evrope brenda ketyre tre viteve, pasi qe vulat e falsifikume ne pasaporte jane veper penale, mirepo juve ne kete rast nga qendra e emigracionit iu eshte dhenje nje vendim administrativ per te mos hyre ne Evrope per tri vite, dhe nese ju tentoni ta shkelni kete urdher rrezikoni denim me burg, keshtu qe eshte me mire te mendoni jeten tuaj jashte Evropesw per keto tri vite. shpresoj te ju kem ndihmuar. Kaloni dite te mire, Besarta
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago