Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Cyber crime
My husband will keep on fighting for small reasons since marriage. Immediately I was conceived and having a baby of 9 months old. My husband has checked my whatsapp messages without my knowledge. He is not on good terms with my parents. Now he has some proof which he has started abusing my mother and sister. I want to know if checking whatsapp is a valid cyber crime issue. What could happen if this goes as a complaint?
  • India
  • Criminal Litigation
  • Family Law
  • Human Rights

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
File a police complaint for the cruelty and physical harassment. You can also file a domestic violence case for the same. Both are separate proceedings and will run simultaneously.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
It will not amount to cyber crime. What kind of proof he is holding? Any idea? File a complaint with the local police station about harassment and cruelty. Will need more details to advise on the same. Thanks.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Abuse and cruelty are punishable offences. I suggest you go to nearby police station and file a complaint if you can or contact national women commission. I would need more information as to help you accordingly.