Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Credit given without any piece of agreement
I given the specific person credit without any contract or agreement, as we were unaware of the coincidence of getting cheat with our own money , the person was taking goods of different varieties from us and we worked fine for almost 8months, but there was a day he started to be annoying person to pay the amount soon as possible it took him more then 5month to pay the full amount yet. I want help ! To know how to take action on such person.
  • Tanzania
  • Contract

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Contracts are either verbal or written, express or implied. Whereas verbal contracts are quite involving to prove, the absence of a written contract makes verbal contract a necessity to achieve justice. Coupled with communications such as request for payment and the actual payments during the 8 months, any conduct implying a contractual relationship may help you find legal redress or appropriate remedies. Moving forward, insist on written agreements for business engagements. Way forward? Issue Demand for payments due; Take action in the appropriate courts in your jurisdiction/country or country of occurrence of the incidence.