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posted 2 years ago
Could these people sue and ask for compensation for all the damages they caused to these people and their families rejected the job offers of 27 Iranian program developers before their flight via email which contains “The company hereby withdraws the offer letter issued to you” with no explanation after all interviews and contract both parties signed although the people got their visa and even booked a flight to start within a week in the US. rejected the job offers via email which contains “The company hereby withdraws the offer letter issued to you” with no explanation after all interviews and contract both parties signed. holding is a US company but the company behind it is registered and based in Amsterdam. The HQ is a Dutch entity.
Recently they opened job positions so people from all around the world applied for job opportunities.
Some of them who got accepted had Iranian nationality although knew it from the beginning but the company went for interviews or even more signed contract with them.
So, they applied for highly skilled migrant visa from Dutch embassy in Tehran and got the visa.
Everything was ok and these people even uprooted their lives to move and start their job but suddenly rescinded the offers.
Some of them resigned from their jobs, sold out their properties and even bought tickets to leave and start the job within next week. After this rejection did not reply properly to the emails sent by these people asking what is the reason behind such delayed decision before their flight.
It’s just not these people but their families who are affected by this withdrawal they both hurt emotionally and financially.
it means after rejecting form this company they have to start over and going through a lot with all the economic crisis in Iran
They may not be even able to buy the same properties as they used to have due to reflation.
Finding job in Iran is not easy and they should put so much time and energy on it.
It seems like probably has a US subsidiary therefore people from US sanctioned countries requires a special visa to get hired.
But at the same time hired many Iranians before in many years and knows how to deal with these sanction rules.
It might not be easy to hire Iranian in US company (although they signed contract for US company with the knowledge of employees’ nationality from the beginning) it is possible to ask for special visa for these people and hire them in Netherlands company if they want to!
How is it even possible that the company did not consider their nationality and signed contract!?
the policy is not communicated in public and the reason is still unclear!
It can be an example of racism and all the damages this approach causes to people.
Now, there are 3 questions:
1-Is it possible for hires Iranian from Netherlands branch as they recently hired a software engineer with Iranian passport?
As they used to do it for many years and even recently going through the same pattern it is possible for the company to ask for special visa and hire Iranian in the Netherlands company if they want to
2- Can asks for OFAC’s permission for these people to work with them?
3-Could these people sue and ask for compensation for all the damages they caused to these people and their families?
Fields:- Commercial and Business Law