Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Collaboration with Iranian professor
Hello, is a company from the Eu (i.e. Romania) allowed to conclude a collaboration agreement (remote work) with a professor (scientific field) from Iran? Are there any restrictions related to any of the parties? What should be taken into consideration? Thank you in advance!
  • Romania
  • Iran
  • Commercial and Business Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Hello, As i know the restrictions are mentioned here . I do not have a definitive answer because the restrictions are mainly commercial. There is no mention related to academic scientific field
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Hello, at first glance there appears to be some additional information required, such as, will there be an employment like relationship or will there be only a service agreement between two entities? Will the work be requiring / monthly or a project based one time fee?