Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Choosing due diligence applicable law
I want to register a multinational company in the UK. Is it possible to choose according to which law the due diligence may be done or it is necessary according to the law of the state where the company is registered?
  • United Kingdom
  • Corporate and Company

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
I can help you with this.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Due Diligence in accordance with the UK Laws are required to made.Because a due Diligence Certificate enables to know whether a company has complied all applicable laws of the Country in which the Company is going to invest With regards, S.Venkateswar Patnaik, High Court Advocate, Member lawyer-Legamart
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
The UK law and jurisdiction applies. You may register an overseas company using its corporate name (its name under the law of the parent country), or an alternative name under which it proposes to carry on business in the UK.
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Every country owns certain rules and regulation binding all the individuals. Certain benefits, exemptions, schemes, programmes, etc., also exist to promote the MNC. I need a clear conversation for rendering effective and efficient legal advise.