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posted a year ago
Can I sue corporation from different country
I have been a witness of shady business that Stripe Inc. does. I subscribed to a service on some website and wanted to cancel my subscription to that website. There was no option to cancel, and their support just told me that they canceled it. Nothing more than that no email, no physical evidence, nothing but a verbal confirmation. So I wasnt happy with that, I wanted to make sure Im actually canceled so I contacted Stripe Inc. which is the company that provide this payment system to the business I was subscribed to. They were extremely vague in their responses and try to shift all issue to the "Company A" which I was dealing with, but in reality they are the ones who actually hold my credit card number and charge me on behalf "Company A". All I wanted was some sort of confirmation that I was actually canceled, but they refused to answer me. I came to conclusion that they are promoting this shady behavior and letting companies do business like this because they are profiting from this. They play on our human fault that our memory is weak and after few weeks or months we forgot about it and they continue to charging us for something we dont even use. I could give them that, ok its my fault I forgot, but this is even worse, they go so far that they will protect their customers from people like me, and play stupid and not try to tell me is my card still being active in "Company A" system. No, they refuse that. All I was left with was "You have to trust 'Company A' and forget about it already". All the chat logs I have with me, but even that I had to call them again to send me chat logs because they were afraid of saying something that can incriminate them. Their system automatically send chat logs but somehow I was keep getting "disconnected" and no chat logs were being sent, only first chat log was automatically sent this is how I realized they turned it off after first discussion. But after asking them to send me chat log, they did and I got it on my email. Now, I live in a different country, but Im sure there are consumer protection laws everywhere. They are founded in California but their headquarter is in Dublin, and I live in Bosnia & Herzegovina. How can I sue them? And is it worth it? Because, they are doing this NEW type of business based on credit card subscription and Im sure they still havent being sued and this is why they are abusing this, so they need to learn lesson to be careful with other peoples money. I have no option to check if Im actually being charged except now wait next month to get my bank statement for previous month. You see how this works? In 30 days I might completely forget about issue. Im sure there are millions of people right now being sucked out of their hard earned money simply by forgetting about it and even if they do remember, they will make it so hard for you that you forget again about it.
  • Ireland
  • Commercial and Business Law

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