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posted a year ago
Can I sue a company or person in the USA from outside the US?
Hi There, I was looking to purchase a car from the USA, through a company called Global Solutions Mining LLC, initially the car price including some minor repairs in the car was 11.5 k USD. I have deposited 23.5 k USD, in April 2023, to initially procure 2 cars into their account. After the repairs the company has claimed that the repairs of the first car which was supposed be to 11.5 k USD is now 16.5 k USD, without providing any invoices to back it up neither. As the price is now 43% more expensive I have requested for refund, however the company has only paid back 5k USD. Right now, the comapny representative named Marcel (lives in UTAH) does not provide feedback neither justification on the status of the matters neither responds to any of the calls, hence i would like to sue him and the company to get my money back. I live and work in Luanda, Angola (Africa) and I would like to know if I sue him from abroad.
  • United States
  • Commercial and Business Law

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