Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
Can I sue a company in US even if I'm in Brazil?
1 I had a consulting company (IT services) in Canada and my major client (also a Canadian corp) did not pay for large amount of software engineering services that I've done for them. They are actively selling their products to major European and US corporations (like Verizon, AT&T, Microsoft) and all these products are heavily based on and incorporate works done by me that they didn't pay for. This my client Canadian corp most likely has US presence and I'm currently tax resident in the US. Can I sue this Canadian corp in the US (or their US subsidiary if it exists)? Can I sue their clients for using my works (or notify them to stop using them), what are possible consequences? Any pointers where I can get legal consultation in the San Francisco bay area regarding this matter?
  • United States
  • Criminal Litigation

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Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
The company doesn't have residence in the US. It did not incorporate it in the US, and the US is not the principal place of the corporation's business, so the US has not the personal jurisdiction over the company. However, the US may have a subject matter jurisdiction. It depends on the terms of your contract with the company and the extent that the case is related to the US jurisdiction. The company's presence in the US and the fact that you are a taxpayer in the US are not enough to bring the case to the US courts.