Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
business law and business ethics
how are business law and business ethics related?
  • Nigeria
  • Turkey
  • Philippines
  • Commercial and Business Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
There are ethical considerations in all areas of human endeavors- business law is not an exception. Business ethics and business law are inextricably linked. They help to ensure the legality and integrity of business practices!
Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
"Since business law is the corpus of law that regulates how businesses operate, there is a connection between business law and business ethics. On the other hand, the area of philosophy that studies moral problems in business is known as business ethics. Fiduciary obligation, which requires a company's directors and officers to act in the best interests of the firm, is one of the core ethical principles in business. Business law incorporates this idea through laws like the Delaware General Corporation Law."