Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Business in Turkey
What is the minimum cost to start a small business in Turkey?
  • Turkey
  • Commercial and Business Law

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Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
For the time being, the best way is to contact our verified lawyers in Turkey for assistance. For example, *Ms Gökçem Erkuş* here above has already offered their professional services and she can be contacted through LegaMart. Also, we are planning to introduce our fixed price packages for company registration in a number of countries, including Turkey. The package has been designed for clients convenience and for very reasonable fees. Please come back shortly to LegaMart, if you prefer using the packages. Human Business Development Manager @ LegaMart
Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
This question has no specific answer. The minimum costs depend on the business type, but if you asking to establish a company minimum cost there are 3 types of companies and having different capital obligation
Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Between the 1.500 and 2.000 USD.
Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
It depends on what business it will be. It is free to register as a taxpayer in Turkey. For this reason, first of all, it should be determined what kind of business it will be