Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Brand registration
I recently started designing an international brand and spent a lot of money on consulting and coming up with foreign brand ideas. Unfortunately, I was unable to register it in the mother nation due to several issues with the intellectual property registration agency (Iran). Canada is my target market as a saffron producer in Iran. Despite the brand being rejected in Iran, I intend to register it in Canada. Is there any challenge? Is it illegal to package a brand that is registered in Canada in Iran and export it as a packed final good (for instance, 2 grams)? Does the Canadian registration provide my brand global legal authority as well?
  • Iran
  • Canada
  • Intellectual Property

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
According to the Paris Convention of 1883, nationals of each country have priority rights in the field of brand registration, and their rights are also respected in other countries, subject to certain conditions, and there is no need to worry. I am at your service. This is my contact number.+989128142543