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posted 3 years ago
Bank informed me that it is safe to wait for real-estate loan offer
I'm willing to purchase real estate and I have already signed a sales agreement and the bank has given an "Accord de prêt" document (agreement to loan). This document is not sufficient because it is valid only for a month and is dated a month ago from now. Moreover, It indicates that I should return the signed loan offer before next Friday, but I don't have them yet. Is it possible that the bank would say their agreement has expired because I haven't signed the documents they didn't send to me? The bank informed me they can't make any promise about when they will be able to print the loan offer, and I have to pay large compensation to the seller (tens of thousands euros) if I'm not able to give them the full payment in time. What should I do regarding this document? Does it have any legal, enforceable value?
  • Canada
  • Banking and Financial

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