Deleted user
posted 4 years ago
Are US government agencies required to disclose whether or not they record conversations?
If I speak with an employee or an agent of the US government in a governmental building, and I ask them whether such recordings contain video, audio, or both, are they legally required to inform me that they are recording? Would this be regulated by federal law or state law? In my point of view, all recordings, including surveillance recordings, obtained by the government on public property are public records, unless the government can provide a reasonable ground that publishing such records would pose a credible threat to public safety and security, etc. However, could government agencies realistically try to get around this requirement, by refusing to tell people what types of recordings they have or don't have? After all, if you can't prove that the government actually possesses a particular recording, you can't hold the government accountable for meeting this requirement.
  • United States
  • Public Law

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