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posted 3 years ago
Are interstate and inter-district travel restrictions legal?
This is an excerpt from the latest guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, States/UTs, based on their assessment of the situation, may prohibit certain activities outside the Containment zones, or impose such restrictions as deemed necessary. However, there shall be no restriction in inter-State and intra-State movement of individuals and goods including those for cross-land-border trade under Treaties with neighboring countries. Now, due to the significant rise in the COVID-19 cases, some states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, etc. have imposed travel restrictions for the movement of individuals as of today through state and sometimes district borders. Supposedly states shall strictly follow these guidelines and that means they cannot impose such travel restrictions. I would like to know if these restrictions are legal given the central guidelines and if so under what act/law?"
  • India
  • Public Law

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