Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Allergic Reaction
I was on vacation at a resort when I was served peanuts twice after telling the hostess and waiters that I was allergic. I caught the first item served because the nuts were visible, the second item nuts were not visible. Do I a case, I was in pain for two days and face swollen?
  • Mexico
  • Commercial and Business Law

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Deleted user
posted 2 years ago
Hello, actually in Mexico is new that all the legal regulatory allergens is completely new so in this case Ill give you the recomendation to talk with the Manager of the restaurant and tell what happened, and ask a recompense beacuse you told to the hostess, and try to negotiate what can they give to you. The legal regulatory of allergens is coming in Mexico, but this kind of experience do more fast, so try to talk and negotiate because is part to open the real eyes to all the persons that have food services. Hope you feel better and the best negotiation. Regards. Valeria