Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Account balance on minus
Please someone paid money into my account and later debited my account 2 times larger of same amount that was paid into it initially thus leaving my account of a debit balance.
  • Nigeria
  • Commercial and Business Law
  • Banking and Financial

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Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Good afternoon Innocent. Was the debit done by the bank? Are you guys using the bank (i.e Access Bank)? What's the description of the transaction?
Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Kindly give further details of this transaction. It is only an account owner/holder who can issue debit instruction on his/her bank and account. Did the bank debit your account twice?
Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Kindly explain the nature of the transaction , because the only person who has the power to issue such instructions, must the owner of the account except where the owner via a written instruction to the bank authorizing such third party to do so , kindly give brief facts of the case
Deleted user
posted 3 years ago
Kindly explain the nature of the transaction , because the only person who has the power to issue such instructions, must the owner of the account except where the owner via a written instruction to the bank authorizing such third party to do so , kindly give brief facts of the case