We represent clients from all around the world in Germany every year. We see the globe as having no borders and are unafraid of language hurdles or time zones.
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The German economy is the fourth largest in the world and accounted for one quarter (24.7 percent) of the European Union’s GDP in 2021. Germany is also the United States’ largest European trading partner and the sixth-largest market for U.S. exports
Since 2017, the legal services industry has seen growth averaging 3.9% per year. In 2022, IBISWorld expects total sales of €34.8 billion, up 4.3% from 2021.
Research shows 68% of people in Germany experienced a legal problem,72% of them knew where to access help and 43% resolved the problem.
The average duration of resolving the legal problem in Germany is 11 months and also 43% experienced hardship.
Typically both fiancés are required to submit the following documents to the registrar: Certified true copy of identification document with photograph (e.g. passport, identity Card) Birth certificate (not older than 6 months) in original or as certified true copy showing parents’ names. A translation might be required.
two to three years
The processing times for registering a marriage differ from one registry office to another, but can be long. If neither of the spouses/ civil partners has ever been resident in Germany, the processing time will be at least two to three years.
Even if you prefer to register your marriage in another German city, you still have to also register at the Civil Registry Office either at your place of residence or that of your partner.
It’s a progressive tax: if you earn more, you pay a bigger percentage of your income. If you earn less than 10,347€ per year, you don’t pay income tax. The median income tax rate is around 18%. The maximum income tax rate is 45%1.
Both foreigners and natives must pay income taxes in Germany on their domestic and worldwide income and assets. Non-residents of Germany are subject to income tax on any German income but note that, depending on their home country, expats may also be liable for taxes in their home country.
Basic tax-free allowance (Grundfreibetrag)
So if you earned less than 9,744 euros after deduction of costs or lump sums, you do not pay income tax. Double the amounts apply to married couples.
between 4 and 6 months
How long does a divorce proceeding take in Germany? If both of you live in Germany and you have only the divorce (no child custody, no financial claims), it usually takes between 4 and 6 months.
Divorce and separation procedures are relatively simple in Germany, especially if both partners agree. If you and your partner have chosen to permanently end your marriage, you have two options open to you.
In a divorce process, the court’s and the lawyers’ service fees should be covered by the couple. The court fees usually amount to 450- 800 €; i.e. you and your partner each have to pay between € 225 to € 400.
Bridging Borders. Empowering Lawyers
LegaMart is a trading name of Legal Market Solutions Limited, incorporated in England and Wales (company number 12071609). We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for the processing of personal information (registration number: ZA825568). Our registered address is 29 Farm St, Mayfair, W1J 5RL, London- England.