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posted 3 years ago
name changing's effect on insolvency proceeding
If the name of a multinational company changes before a formal insolvency administration of the company commences, is it necessary to disclose the name on all public documents?
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Egypt
  • France
  • Iran
  • Insolvency
  • Corporate and Company

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posted a year ago
I can provide some general information. In legal matters, especially regarding insolvency proceedings, it's crucial to consult with a legal professional to get advice tailored to the specific situation and jurisdiction. In many jurisdictions, when a multinational company undergoes a name change, it is typically required to update its information on public records. This includes updating public documents, such as business registers, to reflect the new legal name. Failing to update such information could lead to legal and administrative complications. During insolvency proceedings, transparency and accurate record-keeping are vital. The insolvency administrator, creditors, and other stakeholders need to have access to up-to-date and accurate information about the company. This includes information about the company's legal name. Failure to disclose a name change may have legal consequences, including potential challenges to the validity of proceedings, issues with creditor communication, and other complications in the administration process. It's essential to adhere to the legal requirements and procedures specific to the jurisdiction where the company operates. Legal advice from professionals specializing in corporate law and insolvency in the relevant jurisdiction would be invaluable in ensuring compliance with all necessary disclosure obligations. Mohamed Aboshanab
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posted 3 years ago
لا يجوز باي حال من الاحوال تغير الاسم التجاري للشركة المشهر افلاسه بحكم قضائي في مصر الا بعد الحصول موافقة مسبقه من قاضي التفليسه ويغل يد المفلس من تاريخ صدور الحكم وذلك وفقا لنص المادة (٥٨٩) من القانون التجاري والتي تنص علي انه :- ١ - تغل يد المفلس بمجرد صدور حكم شهر الإفلاس عن إدارة أمواله والتصرف فيها. وتعتبر التصرفات التى يجريها المفلس فى يوم صدور حكم شهر الإفلاس حاصلة بعد صدوره. ٢ - إذا كان التصرف مما لا يحتج به على الغير إلا بالقيد أو التسجيل أو غير ذلك من الإجراءات فلا يسرى على جماعة الدائنين إلا إذا تم الإجراء قبل صدور حكم شهر الإفلاس. ٣ - لا يحول غل يد المفلس عن إدارة أمواله والتصرف فيها دون قيامه بالإجراءات اللازمة للمحافظة على حقوقه.