Oyinkan Alakija Esq is a legal practitioner with a legal wealth of experience of nearly 20 years. Her core areas of expertise cuts across almost all legal practice spheres, ranging from Corporate Commercial, Property, and International economic law, to mention but a few. She began her education in the UK at the early age of 5, where she attended Belmont primary school; she completed her secondary education at the prestigious Victoria Girls College, Belfast, before going on to study Law at the University of Kent in Canterbury. She felt a better understanding of business would strengthen her legal prowess and embarked on an MBA from the Tanaka Business School, Imperial College (London) for a better understanding of the law practice from the business angle, which she hopes to conclude soon before going on to completing a diploma from Harvard on entrepreneurship. Oyinkan Alakija Esq. graduated from Nigerian Law school in 2005. After working for high-profile law firms and a brief stint in the banking industry, she started her firm (Gresyndale Legal) in 2012. Gresyndale aims to bridge the Lacuna in providing legal services by adopting technology and ingenuity to bring fast-paced, quality legal practice to Nigeria. The firm has a strong reputation for enabling MNI’s and foreign start-ups easy and efficient entry into the African market, including Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya, and supporting its client’s development through the different terrain of the African legal and political system strengthened by an understanding of both European or standard law legal system and African legal system (in particular Nigeria). Gresyndale currently has an employee base with over 100 years of accumulated experience in and outside Lagos and the UK. Her practice has successfully brought in and protects franchises such as Eat and Go Nigeria (owners of dominoes pizza brand in areas of Africa including Nigeria and Kenya), Silvand, Zenith bank, to list a few, focuses on international Law and assists foreign entities and brands successfully enter the African and Nigerian Market while managing compliance and legal requirements.